Write Your Book - Publish Your Book - Promote Your Book

by Edwards, Corinne
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ISBN: 9781468173451
  • Online Only

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When I was doing publicity for my books, I met many people at book signings, on television and radio shows - and believe it not, on the street or in a supermarket who told me the same thing. "As soon as I have time - or when I retire, I am going to write a book. I have an idea that I think is very interesting." I always had the same answer for them. "Nobody has time. If you want to be a writer I have a one word for you. Write." They always looked at me a little doubtfully and it occurred to me that people just don't know where to start. Starting is the hardest part. But, you have already started if you have an idea. Books are never written overnight. They develop as they go along. You could almost liken it to taking a whole steak and trying to swallow it. You have to cut it piece by piece to eat it. By the time you are finished, you have had dinner. The other objection is that the starting has to be perfect. Every word, every punctuation mark. Most authors will tell you that you should not edit a book until it is finished. You are not going to be ready to show your new baby to the world until you give birth so the beginning is to write it for yourself. You've had a great idea for a book in your head for a long time - or a memoir you would like to pass on to your children or grandchildren. But, you are waiting for that big slot of time - for retirement - or a break in your hectic schedule. This book will inspire you to start it now. In little pieces. All you need is a manila folder. Throw in a sentence while you are waiting at the dentist, on hold with an airline - even a long stoplight. You may get an idea for a paragraph one night when you can't sleep. Small fragments, in no special order, can add up to a full manuscript. You can put the pieces together later. This book also includes information on finding an agent, publishing your own book and how to promote it.
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Edwards, Corinne
  • ISBN: 9781468173451
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 9.02 x 0.09
  • Number Of Pages: 44
  • Publication Year: 2012
Language: English

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