Understanding Catholicism: Explanations of the Catholic Church for Non-Catholic Christians and Fallen Away Catholics

by Murray, Hugh
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ISBN: 9781983383557
  • Online Only
New - Trade Paperback - 9781983383557

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Ever wondered how the Catholic Church differs from other Christian Churches? Maybe you grew up Catholic but it's time for a refresher. Perhaps you're considering becoming a Catholic. Or maybe you just want to understand what your Catholic friends believe.

This book will change how you think about Catholicism and give you the tools to answer questions your non-Catholic friends have about your religion. You'll deepen your understanding of your own faith as well as be able to help others gain an appreciation of your views.

From the history of the Catholic Church to modern day beliefs of Catholics, Hugh Murray breaks down the most important aspects into understandable segments in a friendly, non-argumentative way.

Packed with conversational, easy-to-read information about:
  • The history of the Catholic Church and two big historic splits
  • Mass and the sacraments
  • The special roles of Mary and the saints
  • Catholic views on purgatory, grace, faith, and good works
  • The Pope, cardinals, monsignors, and other Catholic titles
  • And more...

In this book, Hugh Murray - a lifelong Catholic and active member of Jesuit discussion groups - helps you become more knowledgeable about the Catholic faith. Understanding Catholicism comes from the perspective of one who has spent more than 50 years examining Catholic theology and providing his analysis to non-Catholic Christians.

As a Catholic, you'll relearn what you may have forgotten, and will deepen and renew your faith by pondering the topics presented. As a non-Catholic, you will better understand Catholic views and get answers to your questions about this large Christian denomination.

You'll enjoy reading this book yourself, and it's also the perfect book to share with your non-Catholic friends, fallen away Catholics, and even practicing Catholics who want a deeper understanding of their faith.

Interview with the Author Who do you hope will benefit from your book?

I originally wrote this book for non-Catholic Christians, but I realized that my Catholic friends were also interested in these topics, either as a refresher or to fill in gaps in their own understanding. I've had Catholics read my book and tell me they learned things they never knew - even people who have been through the Catholic educational system.

In what ways will a current Catholic benefit?

People are always asking things like: Why do Catholics genuflect when they enter a church? What is the purpose of a rosary? Why do Catholics go to confession? It can be hard to come up with the answer quickly and explain it in an understandable way. Reading my book will clarify these answers so Catholics are prepared to respond knowledgeably.

In what ways will a non-Catholic benefit?

Understanding Catholicism will inform people of other faiths about basic Catholic beliefs, history, and rich traditions, as well as insight into how the Catholic Church fits in with today's society.

How is your book different from others about the Catholic faith?

It's a conversational guide designed so that readers can easily refer back to it again and again. It provides overviews with just the right amount of information and includes resource recommendations for exploring specific topics in more depth.

What gave you the idea to write this book?

I frequently visit Catholic patients in hospitals to distribute Holy Communion while they are unable to attend Mass. Over the years, I realized that non-Catholic friends and family of the hospitalized person were curious about the faith. I began distributing this book in essay form to interested visitors during my hospital calls. Recognizing that people across the country shared a similar interest in the topic, I decided to publish it as a book so that more people could learn about and understand Catholicism.

  • Format: TradePaperback
  • Author: Murray, Hugh
  • ISBN: 9781983383557
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 7.99 x 0.26
  • Number Of Pages: 110
  • Publication Year: 2018
Language: English

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