The Archaeology of the Old Testament: 115 Discoveries That Support the Reliability of the Bible: B&W

by Graves, David E.
4.7 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781672868853
  • Online Only

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Thousands of artifacts have been discovered that relate to the Bible, but few of them make the news headlines. Revisionist scholars often seek to undermine and downplay the relevance of many of the discoveries. Experienced archaeologist Dr. David E. Graves has assembled a helpful collection of over 75 significant up-to-date discoveries from the New Testament (NT) period. He tours sites associated with the ministry of Jesus, the missionary journeys of Paul, and the seven churches of Revelation, showing the significant influence of local references, society, architecture, and religion on the peoples of the first century that confirms the historicity of the NT biblical events and shed light on the text. Graves examines NT chronology, archaeological dating, the role of archaeology, NT papyri, manuscripts, codices, and explores the full range of important NT archaeological discoveries, from pottery, inscriptions, ossuaries, through to coins, manuscripts, and other artifacts. This insightful book will: - Illustrate archaeological finds with more than 175 pertinent color photographs, detailed maps and carefully crafted charts - Include a glossary defining technical archaeological terms - Provide extensive footnotes and bibliography for future study - Include a detailed subject indexThis invaluable resource provides an interesting and informative understanding of the cultural and historical background of the New Testament illustrated from archaeology. This is an accessible resource intended for laypeople who want to know more about archaeology and the New Testament, whether in seminary courses, college classrooms, church groups or personal study
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Graves, David E.
  • ISBN: 9781672868853
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 10.00 x 0.64
  • Number Of Pages: 306
  • Publication Year: 2019
Language: English

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