Online pricing policy

Prices on HPB.com may vary from those you find at Half Price Books and Half Price Books Outlets. The costs associated with offering, storing, and shipping books and holding them in stores vary depending on store location, warehouse, and other factors. Additionally, local stores may offer promotions, sales and other events that do not apply to purchases made on HPB.com.

In-store pricing policy

The great majority of books and other items we sell in stores are priced at half the current list price or less. Here are some exceptions:

  • Select current releases and other NEW items
  • COLLECTIBLES and out-of-print materials

How to determine an item's price

The great majority of books and other items we sell in stores are priced at half the current list price or less. Here are some exceptions:

  • HARDBACK BOOKS and TRADE EDITIONS are priced in stores with our sticker or in pencil. These include books purchased from the public and publishers’ special closeouts.
  • POCKET-SIZE PAPERBACKS (4-1/8” x 6-3/4”) are half the publisher’s cover price unless marked otherwise.
  • COMIC BOOKS are half price unless marked otherwise.
  • MEDIA and GAME items are priced individually with our sticker.


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