Jesse Glover: Disciples of the Dragon: Reflections of Bruce Lee's First Student, Jesse Glover

by Smith, Steve
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781539054221
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Bruce Lee historian Paul Bax, knew Jesse Glover quite well due to their admiration for the late martial artist, Bruce Lee.In this all new book, which is a rewrite of his book, "Number One", Bax includes 19 chapters of pure Jesse Glover information including AOL chat messages, multiple interviews, including one conducted with Bax that was never before published, three personal and hand written letters from Glover to his friend and fellow Bruce Lee student, James DeMile (a rare find and not to be missed) and a super rare article from Glover that he wrote for Bax's newsletter, "How Bruce Lee Influenced Me". All of this in addition to Jesse's daily words on The JKD Brotherhood forum from 2004 until his death in 2012. Also included are some rare pictures of Bruce and Jesse working out together in Seattle. A book that will truly become a collectors item in the world of Bruce Lee
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Smith, Steve
  • ISBN: 9781539054221
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 9.00 x 0.76
  • Number Of Pages: 366
  • Publication Year: 2019
Language: English

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