I Solve Mysteries: The Art and Science of Business Process Optimization and Transformation

by Dragon, Dave
3.9 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781948238168

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The timing could not be better for I Solve Mysteries

Every 5-10 years, there is a quantum leap in technology ... when the hardware, software, data and knowledge catch up with the vision. That's where we are today with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA) and prescriptive analytics (PA).

As adoption accelerates and these technologies become main stream, many of the same challenges businesses and their leaders have faced in the past will need to be addressed again.

And in many cases, the challenges will be magnified.

Ask anyone in business whether they're suffering the consequences of broken business processes, and they'll share examples of broken, antiquated or sub-optimal processes ... and the heartache and frustration that comes with them.

Business processes that require optimization or transformation can be found in small companies and large global corporations alike -- in any industry or sector, and under any leadership style or organizational culture. There is no immunity in the world of business. And identifying and addressing those problems is imperative.

Knowing Where to Start
Solving your business mysteries requires an open mind. Sub-optimized or broken processes exist in everywhere -- in research & development (R&D), sales & marketing, supply chain, operations, regulatory, finance and in information technology (IT).

Some processes can be optimized, while others will require a total process transformation. And today, process overhauls often require the implementation of digital technology solutions with AI, ML, RPA and PA, in big ways. But the real challenge -- when improving business processes to improve efficiency, productivity or profitability -- is that many organizations don't know how or where to start.

Whether you are looking at a traditional optimization or transformation project or one based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation and prescriptive analytics, you need a strategy and plan to prepare and mobilize the organization for success. And you need diligent commitment. That's where Dave Dragon's practical and thought-provoking book, I Solve Mysteries: The Art and Science of Business Process Optimization and Transformation comes in. Start with the book in hand, and your business in mind.

Step-by-Step Approaches for All of Us, and True Stories from the Front Lines
I Solve Mysteries is a guide for early-career and mid-career professionals who want to pursue a career in business process optimization and transformation, and a helpful refresher for steering committees, business owners and leaders at all levels. If you've ever served on a steering committee or written a project charter, this book will provide fresh contexts and high standards for such important future work.

Dave Dragon steps you through the experience of identifying problems (mysteries ) and solving them, by breaking down all the elements that should be considered and addressed. He has led the charge in solving mysteries for companies you know and brands you love. This book is built upon that experience and expertise, and is a treasure-trove of insightful stories and instructive examples from a career that spans more than 30 years.

I Solve Mysteries provides keen insights and subtle understanding of the roles and responsibilities required to make optimization and transformation projects a success. It is the go-to reference guide for anyone seeking to advance their knowledge and skills in business process optimization and transformation.

  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Dragon, Dave
  • ISBN: 9781948238168
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.00 x 0.72
  • Number Of Pages: 348
  • Publication Year: 2019
Language: English

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