First Time Mom: Survival Guide

by Schmidt, Lisa
4.3 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9798391917021
  • Online Only

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Your first few days of motherhood could be exactly what you expect or completely different. It can be a calm day of settling into motherhood or one fraught with unexpected difficulties in terms of learning how to care for your baby, breastfeed, and/or take care of yourself while you heal from childbirth. One of the most thrilling and demanding occupations in the world is being a mother. A newborn baby's only activities are likely to be eating, going potty, crying, and sleeping because it is attempting to acclimate to life outside of the womb, which is a difficult task, but this isn't always the case. Your first week at home with your child will be a little less stressful if you know what to anticipate from them.
Being a parent signifies the fulfillment of many people's ambitions and dreams. They enjoy holding, petting, smelling, and observing their child. A couple might also sense their love for one another and their child grow stronger. Others experience mixed emotions, including feelings of irritation and sorrow at giving up aspects of their former lives, including their work, spontaneity, financial independence, and time with their partner and friends. The significant transformation that has fully taken over some people's lives and sense of self also causes them to feel trapped. They could become terrified that becoming a parent has replaced them as an individual.
These concerns and negative thoughts, when coupled with worries about whether you're doing a good job or not, can leave new parents feeling incredibly guilty. It's critical to remember that these feelings are common and a necessary part of the transition process; they are not an indication that you don't desire or care for your baby.
As a new parent, it can feel overwhelming to suddenly have little to no time to yourself with almost all of your focus on your baby. Although it can seem impossible, it's important for new parents to remember that taking care of themselves is important, too. When you can, making time for self-care can help you feel centered and more like "you" as you adjust to your new role as a parent.
In this book, we will walk you through your new journey of parenthood and please remember that being a parent doesn't mean you should neglect your role as a wife.


  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Schmidt, Lisa
  • ISBN: 9798391917021
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 9.00 x 0.12
  • Number Of Pages: 58
  • Publication Year: 2023
Language: English

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