Bless the Bees: : the Pending Extinction of our Pollinators and What We Can Do to Stop It

by Eade, Valentina
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ISBN: 9781492794165

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Get the #1 best selling book on saving the bees

"If the bee disappears from the earth, man would have no more than four years to live" Albert Einstein

This beautifully illustrated edition is educates the reader about the potential extinction of the bees as an indicator of a mass extinction, the last one of which was 65 million years ago. It explains what pollination is, who does it, why its essential to us, what things are threatening our pollinators and what we, as individuals, can do about it.

They have been in existence for over 100 million years, but it has taken us less than 30 years to kill almost 50% of them off. Bees are responsible for pollinating 60% of the world's food supply. Without them, the human race would face starvation. A worldwide epidemic, it has been called the bee apocalypse by Russia's president, but it is worse in the United States than any other country. Since 1972, feral honey bees in the United States have declined 80% to near extinction, and domestic bees in the United States are down to 60%. Since 2006, the epidemic has been referred to as colony collapse disorder, describing the disappearance of entire colonies of bees. Learn what simple things you can do to help.

Among the causes cited for this disaster of epidemic proportions are parasites, the decrease in abundance and diversity of wildflowers, insecticides and genetically engineered foods (GMO's) that create their own synthetic pesticides which kill bees as well as other insects. But one thing is for certain-- mankind is responsible for the drastic decline in bee population and the United States government is doing nothing about it. On the contrary, the government has taken measures to make the problem worse. There is more to this delicate 100 million year old evolution of pollination that just honey bees, who were not native to the United States, but imported from Europe and probably originally came from Africa. At least 4,000 species of wild bees are known to exist in North America alone. All of them are at risk, and this book will show you how you can make a difference in saving them, our food supply, and our planet as we know it.

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  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Eade, Valentina
  • ISBN: 9781492794165
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.02 x 0.28
  • Number Of Pages: 130
  • Publication Year: 2013

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