Back injury is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed days of work. Studies also suggest that 10% to 30% of the adult population is bothered by neck pain. An analysis of health care spending in the United States published in 2020 by the
Journal of the American Medical Association found that treatment of low back pain and neck pain accounted for the highest amounts of spending by both private and public insurers.
Back and neck pain are common complaints. When you think of all of the work your back and neck do each day--constantly moving, bending and twisting as you go about your day-to-day activities--it's not surprising problems develop. It's estimated that more than 80 percent of American adults will experience at least one bout of back pain during their lifetimes.
The Mayo Clinic book
Back and Neck Health looks at common back and neck conditions and what can cause them. The book also discusses different ways to treat back and neck pain. This includes self-care steps you can take at home, several interventional approaches, and different types of surgery. The final chapter of the book focuses on lifestyle and how to maintain good back and neck health.
The book is organized as follows:
Part 1: Understanding your back and neck
Chapter 1: Your spine
Chapter 2: Back and neck pain
Chapter 3: Common back problems
Chapter 4: Common neck problems
Part 2: Relieving your pain
Chapter 5: Identifying the problem
Chapter 6: Home treatment
Chapter 7: Physical therapy
Chapter 8: Nonsurgical interventions
Chapter 9: Surgery
Chapter 10: Living well