After Your Jaw Surgery: Practical and Helpful Information You Should Know

by Flaagan, Jayne
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781944410186
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From the author:

I underwent jaw surgery and woke up with my jaws wired shut. I was so unprepared This book has been written to help you on your journey as you are healing after jaw surgery. You may be on a liquid diet and maybe you are not. This book does assume that you are probably on some kind of special diet and offers numerous suggestions for foods that help heal after surgery.

Both before and after jaw surgery, I tried to find information about living on a soft food and/or liquid diet. I was unable to find very little information on jaw surgery recovery, so I had to "play it by ear." I was completely ignorant of all the physical, psychological and emotional changes that would be involved.

This book is easy-to-read and straight-forward. It will give you lots of helpful "inside" information in a relatively short period of reading time. It is information that you will want to know to help prepare you for what comes during your jaw surgery recovery time. There are many things that would have been so helpful had I known them before-hand. I want to prevent this from happening to you. You do not need to learn everything the hard way about your jaw surgery recovery, as I had to. Being prepared really is half the battle. I have "been there" and I can help

Best to you

Jayne Flaagan

  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Flaagan, Jayne
  • ISBN: 9781944410186
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 8.00 x 0.17
  • Number Of Pages: 84
  • Publication Year: 2014
Language: English

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