Activate the Female Orgasm System: The Story of O-Shot(R)

by Runels MD, Charles
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781494778200
Used - Trade Paperback - 9781494778200

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The reader can better activate the sexual response of herself or that of a lover after following the steps in this book. Dr. Runels brings to this book his 23 years of experience in treating and conducting research with thousands of women suffering with sexual and hormonal problems. Also, since he invented and was first to do the O-Shot (R) procedure {Orgasm Shot (R)}, he offers unique insight about how the procedure was invented and how to know if it may benefit you or someone you love. He also explains the components of the "Female Orgasm System" (he was first to use the term). By understanding the system, including the O-Spot (a new idea that he introduced into the medical literature). He also explains the role of the O-Shot (R) procedure in rejuvenating the Female Orgasm System. The last chapter helps the reader make treatment plans for common sexual problems in women: (1) decreased sex drive (libido), (2) decreased arousal, (3) dyspareunia (pain with sexual intercourse), and (4) difficulty with orgasm. He also explains female ejaculation, the anatomy of the phenomenon, and how the O-Shot (R) can enhance and promote that experience. Also, see plans for treatment of urinary incontinence and depression and anxiety.
  • Format: TradePaperback
  • Author: Runels MD, Charles
  • ISBN: 9781494778200
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.02 x 0.26
  • Number Of Pages: 102
  • Publication Year: 2013

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