HPB Greenfield

5032 S 74th St
Greenfield, WI 53220


(414) 281-0000


Monday 10 AM -8 PM

Tuesday 10 AM -8 PM

Wednesday 10 AM -8 PM

Thursday 10 AM -8 PM

Friday 10 AM -8 PM

Saturday 10 AM -8 PM

Sunday 10 AM -7 PM

  • Pickup In Store
  • Buying from the Public

HPB Greenfield Manager

HPB Greenfield Manager

"Half Price Books in Greenfield is a great place to find; a work of fiction that opens up new worlds, a non-fiction title that starts a hobby, a piece of music that moves you, a movie that visually stuns or a collectible that shows you a glimpse of the past. The staff at this store is a great mix of people with different interests and backgrounds who are always available to help. I hope you stop in and enjoy yourself."

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