4,000 Useful Adverbs In English: Types, Comparison and Formation of Adverbs

by Joshi, Manik
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ISBN: 9798668792139
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DEFINITION: An adverb is a word used to describe or modify a verb, an adjective or another adverbs. They tell us how (in what manner), how much (in what degree), how far (to what extent), when (in what time), and where (in what place). They are called 'adverb questions'. 4,000 Useful Adverbs: - NOTE: All of the following words are definitely used as adverbs, but many of them can also be used as nouns, verbs, etc. -- Useful Adverbs -- 'A'--- 1. abashedly, 2. aberrantly, 3. abhorrently, 4. abidingly, 5. abjectly, 6. ably, 7. abnormally, 8. aboard, 9. abominably, 10. abortively, 11. about, 12. above, 13. above board, 14. abrasively, 15. abroad, 16. abruptly, 17. absently, 18. absent-mindedly, 19. absolutely, 20. absorbedly, 21. absorbingly, 22. abstemiously, 23. abstinently, 24. abstractedly, 25. abstractly, 26. absurdly, 27. abundantly, 28. abusively, 29. abysmally, 30. academically, 31. acceptably, 32. acceptingly, 33. accessibly, 34. accidentally, 35. accommodatingly, 36. accomplishedly, 37. accordingly, 38. accountably, 39. accumulatively, 40. accurately, 41. accursedly, 42. accusatorily, 43. accusingly, 44. achingly, 45. acidly, 46. acoustically, 47. acquiescently, 48. acquisitively, 49. acrimoniously, 50. acrobatically, 51. across, 52. actionably, 53. actively, 54. actually, 55. acutely, 56. adamantly, 57. adaptively, 58. addictively, 59. additionally, 60. adeptly, 61. adequately, 62. adherently, 63. adhesively, 64. adjacently, 65. adjectivally, 66. adjustably, 67. administratively, 68. admirably, 69. admiringly, 70. admissibly, 71. admittedly, 72. adolescently, 73. adoptively, 74. adorably, 75. adoringly, 76. adroitly, 77. adulterously, 78. advantageously, 79. adventitiously, 80. adventurously, 81. adverbially, 82. adversely, 83. advisably, 84. advisedly, 85. aerially, 86. aerobically, 87. aeronautically, 88. aesthetically, 89. affably, 90. affectedly, 91. affectionately, 92. affectively, 93. affirmatively, 94. affluently, 95. affordably, 96. afoul, 97. afterwards, 98. again, 99. agedly, 100. agelessly, 101. aggregately, 102. aggressively, 103. aggrievedly, 104. agitatedly, 105. agonizingly, 106. agreeably, 107. agriculturally, 108. ahead, 109. aimlessly, 110. airlessly, 111. alarmingly, 112. alcoholically, 113. alertly, 114. algebraically, 115. alike, 116. all, 117. all right, 118. allegorically, 119. allowably, 120. alluringly, 121. allusively, 122. almost, 123. aloft, 124. along, 125. aloofly, 126. aloud, 127. alphabetically, 128. alphanumerically, 129. alright, 130. alterably, 131. alternately, 132. alternatively, 133. altogether, 134. always, 135. amateurishly, 136. amazedly, 137. amazingly, 138. ambidextrously, 139. ambiguously, 140. ambitiously, 141. ambivalently, 142. amenably, 143. amiably, 144. amicably, 145. amiss, 146. amok, 147. amorally, 148. amorously, 149. amorphously, 150. amphibiously, 151. amusedly, 152. amusingly, 153. analogously, 154. analytically, 155. anarchically, 156. anatomically, 157. anciently, 158. androgynously, 159. anecdotally, 160. anemically, 161. anesthetically, 162. angelically, 163. angrily, 164. angularly, 165. anhydrously, 166. animatedly, 167. annoyingly, 168. annually, 169. annularly, 170. anomalously, 171. anonymously, 172. answerably, 173. antagonistically, 174. antecedently, 175. anthropocentrically, 176. anthropomorphically, 177. anticipatorily, 178. antipathetically, 179. antiseptically, 180. antisocially, 181. antithetically, 182. anxiously, 183. any, 184. anyway, 185. apart, 186. apathetically, 187. aphoristically, 188. apishly, 189. apocalyptically, 190. apocryphally, 191. apolitically, 192. apologetically, 193. apoplectically, 194. apostolically, 195. appallingly, 196. apparently, 197. appealingly, 198. appellatively, 199. appetizingly, 200. applicably, 201. appositely, 202. appreciably, 203. appreciatively, 204. apprehensively, 205. approachably, 206. appropriately, 207. approvingly, 208. approximately, 209. aptly
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Joshi, Manik
  • ISBN: 9798668792139
  • Condition: New
  • Dimensions: 9.00 x 0.30
  • Number Of Pages: 126
  • Publication Year: 2020

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