(510) 526-6080Hours
Monday 11 AM -8 PM
Tuesday 11 AM -8 PM
Wednesday 11 AM -8 PM
Thursday 11 AM -8 PM
Friday 10 AM -10 PM
Saturday 10 AM -10 PM
Sunday 10 AM -10 PM
HPB Berkeley Manager
"It's lovely to meet you! I'm Nate, an avid Final Fantasy Fanatic and lover of all things Robocop. To quote one of my most influential authors, Philip Pullman ; “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” These are the words that I carry with me with the HPB Berkeley store, and extend out to our customers! With our unique location, we have a myriad of snazzy and funky collectibles to offer, and enough stories to go around!"
Bundle up, booklovers! Please be aware that severe winter weather conditions may affect store hours in your area. Be sure to call before heading to your local HPB during inclement weather to receive the latest information on openings and closings.